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Workforce and Community Education Classes

US Forest Service 40-Hour Wildland Fire School

Del Norte Campus

SPRING 2024 Class Information:

Section: 057970

Dates: March 11 - March 15th., 2024

Days: Monday - Friday

Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm

Fee: $75

Class Limit: 34

Location: CR Del Norte Campus 883 W. Washington Blvd. Eoom DM29 Crescent City, CA 95531

Instructor: Nick Balent

This one-week class will allow students to learn the basic firefighting techniques necessary to receive the following certificates: S190- Introduction to Wild Fire Behavior and S130 - Firefighter Training.

Additional homework assignments will include IS-700 (Introduction to National Incident Management System); ICS-100 (Introduction to Incident Command System) and L180 - Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service. The
L180 - Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service is not included in the class, but is available at the following link: Students will also receive all training needed for applying to the federal government as a firefighter.

Students 15 years old and older are encouraged to attend. However, anyone under 18 participating in the course must complete the Activity Waiver Form and a parent or guardian must sign.

Students will learn:

  • How to use basic firefighting tools
  • Fire behavior and Weather
  • What the LCES (Lookouts, Communications, Escape Routes, and Safety Zones) system is and how it relates to the Standard Firefighting Orders and Watch Out Situations.
  • Construct a fire line to required standards using various methods.
  • Strengthen, reinforce, and use holding actions on a fire line.
  • Extinguish the fire with or without the use of water.
  • Complete assigned tasks in a safe and efficient manner.
  • Factors in a particular wildfire environment which could impact safety.

Students will receive the following certificates: 
S190- Introduction to Wild Fire Behavior
S130 - Firefighter Training

This class will be conducted in person.  The class will involve hands-on physical contact as part of scenario practice, skills training, and skills competency verification. 

Documents to download

Contact us for more details

Phone: (707) 476-4500

  2023 College of the Redwoods