Course Information

Nurse Aide Level I

Price: $307.00


This course is designed to prepare graduates to provide personal care and perform basic nursing skills for the elderly and other adults. Emphasis on aging process including mental, social and physical needs of the elderly, patient's rights, nutrition management, elimination procedures, safe environment, restorative services, personal and special care procedures and activities, human body structure and function and related common disease/disorders, communication and documentation, death and dying, and roles of the nursing assistant and health team members. A skill/competency evaluation is required. The course includes class, laboratory and clinical learning experiences. Upon satisfactory completion of the course and skill/competency evaluation, the graduate is eligible to apply for listing as a Nurse Aide I by the N.C. Division of Facility Services.


This course has no requirements.

Course Fees

Price: $307.00 (Course Fee) + $0.00 (Credit Card and Convenience Charge)
The following section fees are included in the Price:
$3.00 - Accident Insurance
$75.00 - Nurse Aide Background & Drug
$25.00 - Con Ed Health Science Fees
$20.00 - Malpractice Insurance
$4.00 - Cpr Fee Con-Ed

Section Details

First Meeting Date and Time

Date: May 17, 2023
Time: From 08:00 am to 01:30 pm
Building: 14
Room: 124
Number of seats available: 7
Section: 27041
All Meetings:
* Meetings may be subject to change
When Building Room


This course meets at the following location:

7418 NC Hwy 41W P.O. Box 266, Dublin NC 28332